eLUBE Standard silicone grease 60 ml


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Standard silicone grease 60 ml

Silicone eLUBE is a lubricant and lubrication is obtained on the road density oils metylosilikonowych fillers. and not containing solid particles. Product eLUBE has the consistency of Vaseline and is slightly thixotropic

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Silicone Grease Standard

Silicone eLUBE is a lubricant and lubrication is obtained on the road density oils metylosilikonowych fillers. and not containing solid particles. Product eLUBE has the consistency of Vaseline and is slightly thixotropic, this means that after the fact for example. from the tube to the mixing becomes smooth to rest eventually increase its viscosity to normal value and to achieve the consistency of Vaseline. Thixotropy also called memory can also occur in the reverse value of the IE. the result of mixing a substance may increase the viscosity. Thixotropy is so reversible process; to destroy the structure of thixotropic fluid energy is required. Silicon product under the name eLUBE Silicon Standard It is characterized by indifference physiological allowing you to apply it to applications involving human and animal life, high chemical resistance and is an excellent electrical insulator. Thermal paste is high, as oil resistance, from which it is obtained. It can withstand prolonged heating at a temperature of 200 ° c, yielding only slight density and the loss by evaporation. Chemical resistance is also high. Standard grease is resistant to oxygen, diluted hydrogen peroxide, diluted solutions of acids and bases, ammonia. Not soluble in mineral oils, alcohols, glycol and Glycerin. Pastadoes not cause swelling rubber and plastic. Concentrated sulphuric acid, hydrofluoric acid and alkali dissolve into a paste, and aromatic hydrocarbons, esters, and sulphur-derived organic wypłukują of these oils. Water repellent silicone grease standard is similar to hydrophobicity of silicone oils and increases after the heating time of the surface posmarowanych paste. Well rozsmarowują the surface of metals increasing their resistance to corrosion and can be used to lubricate the forms in plastics processing, maintenance of rubber, in cars, refrigerators and freezers (does not swell rubber and plastics) as insulation in electrical connections, lubrication and maintenance of household appliances (plumbing fittings, drawers, plastic products). How to use: spread the surface with a small amount of toothpaste.

Basic product data Standard Silicon eLUBE




° c

-40 to + 200


g/cm 3




the pH of the water lift


4 to 6

Breakdown voltage,


About 30

Dielectric constant 100 Hz



Warranty period: 18 months from the date of manufacture.
Silicone paste should be stored in original, sealed packaging in a dry storage areas at temperatures from 0 to + 30 ° c

In the box:. 20 g, 50 g, 100g1 kg as well as tubes and sachet of any size.

Tags; squeaking doors; grease hose grease to the seals in the Aquarium filter, lubricant, grease grease for high-voltage cables, insulating, grease against punctures, grease for rubber, cheap grease.